Kilton Forest Golf Day
The Am/Am Stableford Golf Comp at Kilton Forest on Saturday 24th June was a fabulous event raising over £1800.
Thanks to Kilton Forest Golf Club and BPL for allowing us to use the Golf Club for the annual charity Am-Am Stableford Golf Comp. This year we had 12 four-balls who all enjoyed a great game of golf, refreshments at the half way house thanks to Samworth Brothers and a hot meal after play. The comp attracted many hole sponsors from local businesses and along with the money raised from the golf and the raffle we raised over £1800. The competition attracted 6 juniors, with the four ball winning a round of golf at Retford. We had four balls donated for prizes from Lindrick, Abbeydale, Retford, Styrrup and Kilton Golf Clubs. The winning team of the Lindrick four ball was won by Lee Eyre’s team and the winners of the Abbeydale four ball won by Paul Neal’s team. There were also prizes given for nearest the pin and the longest drive. Many thanks to all the supporters, volunteers, hole sponsors, golf clubs who gave us four balls, raffle prize givers and of course the golfers! A fabulous day was had by all, raising much needed funds for the charity.