Since the very early days of the club, the name ‘Focus on Young People in Bassetlaw’ has been emblazoned on the playing kit of Bassetlaw Bulldogs RLFC and now that arrangement has been extended further.
Our mission is to provide funds to create, maintain and expand opportunities for the area’s young people to experience high quality clubs and events and we have once again dug deep to offer financial support to the Bulldogs. As a result of the grant of £400, they are delighted to be able to continue to train coaches and volunteers for their quickly expanding rugby league club.
The East Markham-based club welcomed many new members during lockdown, joining in with the club’s ambitious but fruitful Covid-safe training sessions. The rate of membership increase means that more of our wonderful adult volunteers are required to deliver top-notch coaching and first aid. The grant received was used to help cover some of the costs associated with their training.
Phil Abbott, Chair and founder of the Bulldogs said, ‘This is wonderful news! We have benefited greatly in the past from the generous donations from FOYPiB and we will use this grant to further our work in the community.’
He went on to say, ‘The match between the values of our club and mission of FOYPiB is a perfect fit and we can’t thank the trustees enough for their support. By way of marking our appreciation, the new logo of the organisation will take centre-stage on our next playing kit, soon to be made.’
Noelle Barron, the charity's Development Manager responded, ‘Focus on Young People in Bassetlaw are pleased to support Bassetlaw Bulldogs. The charity and the club have previously worked in partnership and we are delighted to be able to continue. We are thrilled to support a club that advocates participation and involvement so that children can flourish to be the best they can be.’
You can find out more about Bassetlaw Bulldogs RLFC by visiting their website at